BA Indoor Champs Qualifying Rounds 2014

Here is the list of qualifying rounds for the Club Indoor Champs 2014.

BA Indoor Champs Qualifying Rounds 2014BA Indoor Champs Qualifying Rounds 2014-page-001

BA Indoor Champs Qualifying Rounds 2014-page-001 (1)BA Indoor Champs Qualifying Rounds 2014-page-001 (1)

I have organised that all those that have shot will be shooting again in the Friday H2H’s on (11th April 2014) starting at 7.00 pm.


The archers that didn’t make the cut-off will be given another opportunity to shoot in the “Second Chance” section. So please – all of you that have put in a score – turn up and shoot!


If everyone brings a little food, it will help the evening go well.


The H2H will be decided by the first archer to reach 4 points. (Usually 6 points – but that would take up too much time in an evening)

Each archer shoots three arrow ends and adds up the score. Whichever of the two archers has the highest score wins 2 points. The loser gets no points and in the case of a draw, there will be 1 point each.

Ties are decided by a 1 arrow shoot-off.


Good luck everyone.

