Monthly archives: January 2014

The Longbow Shooting Calendar of the I.L.A.A

Fellow Archer


It’s published: the full Longbow Shooting Calendar of the I.L.A.A. (International Longbow Archers Association).


There are more fully insured and well organised all-longbow events than ever.

We very much hope you will take advantage of these.


Kind regards


Catherine Mooyaart-Marteau



The International Longbow Archers Association (I.L.A.A)

A voice for all Longbow Archers

Uniting all Longbows

In all Longbow traditions



Coaching Sessions

The next block of group coaching (Based on Archery GB’s – Drills and Skills) will be starting on Monday the 17th of February at 7.00 pm and run for five sessions.

These are not “magic dust” solutions and are not drop-in anytime sessions. You will need to commit to all five sessions.


If you feel you need/want to attend these sessions, will you put your name on the section of wall at the unit and let Malcolm know to reserve your place.


Numbers will be restricted to no more than twelve.

DCAS Indoor Championships 23rd February

Hopefully you will consider entering the Devon and Cornwall Indoor Championships this year.

(Plymouth – 23rd February 2014)

You will need to send off your application (attached PDF) quite soon in order to get in your preferred detail.

You can enter 1 or 2 or even all 3 details if you wish. You can even shoot different details with different bow styles if you wish.


January Newsletter

Brixham Archers Club Newssheet January 2014

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and are now looking forward to setting some personal best scores in the coming year.
I have some things I need to make you aware of, so here goes;
1. The nominated field captain for a session needs to mark the register by placing an F in the box and then M for Morning, E for Evening, A for Afternoon etc. So for a Tuesday evening you should see FE by someone’s name.
2. The Clipper Tournament setting up on the 1st Feb and shooting on the 2nd Feb. (Churston Grammar School), A lot of help required here. Last year’s FITA had a lot of helping hands and I think it helped greatly in getting the hall set up quick and away promptly. Malcolm and Jerry have put up lists in the indoor unit for volunteers to add their name to. Please, please help us; it’s too big a job to be left to a few.
3. The Clipper Tournament also needs donations for our raffle prizes. Pass to committee members if you’re not coming on the day.
4. The Clipper Tournament also needs food for the refreshment stands. We lacked sandwiches and filled rolls for the FITA last year. Having said that, the competitors seemed to have no trouble getting stuck into the cakes, which were delicious, many thanks to those who provided.
5. The Clipper Tournament is open to all, if you want to have a go, get an application form, (I’ll attach one to this letter), completed and pass it plus your method of payment to Jerry. It’s a great way to get into tournaments with familiar surroundings and friendly faces to put you at your ease.
6. Those who are attending to help and shoot in the Clipper Tournament, please bring change to help the refreshment staff. They tend to find people offering to pay with twenty pound notes for a tea and it gets a bit stressful trying to keep enough change.
7. IMPORTANT: NO SHOOTING AT THE INDOOR UNIT ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11th. This night we are inviting all members for a brainstorming session, (7PM till 9PM). The one we held last year proved very productive and it was very interesting to get peoples view points and feedback. Please attend.
8. The club needs some more target stands made. We will provide the materials; but we need hands to help make them. Again we’re looking for members or friends to lend a hand. Please notify Malcolm if you think you can help. Carpentry skills would be useful but not essential.
9. The Club Field has fencing that needs repairing. Some was done last week. The team that attended did extremely well and have found a good technique to get the new fencing attached; but it is a big area to cover and they ran out of time. Malcolm and Adrian Kratky were hoping to get a team of helpers to tackle what left this weekend, morning of Saturday 18th Jan. Can you help? Please contact Malcolm.
WOW, lots there for you all to ponder on. Hope to catch you at the club nights. Keep shooting!