
Brixham Archers CIC – Archery GB UK Record Status Open Rose Tournament – 26th May 2024

Churston Grammar School Sports Field, Brixham, Devon, TQ5 0LH

We are nearly fully-booked so before applying to enter please enquire with the TO via email: brixhamarcherstournaments@gmail.com

Rounds: York, Hereford, Bristol I-V and National Rounds

Lady/Lord Paramount: TBA

Judges: Mr Phil Gillbanks, Mrs Ann Gillbanks, Mr Richard Carpenter


Peter joins the famous-five

This week Brixham Archers presented Peter Greensmith with a Lifetime honorary membership to the Club.  Peter has been a member of Brixham Archers for over 40 years and has supported the club throughout his membership.  During the presentation, which was conducted by Stephen Moss (Chair), Peter recounted some of his memories, particularly when the club membership dropped to 8 members.  Peter was one of those 8 members at the time, and with others promoted the club to increase the numbers back up to a more sustainable count.

Peter joins the elite honorary Members club and joins Malcolm Grant, Paul Allen, Amanda Allen and Judith Brooker who have all volunteered many hours to supporting and running the club.

Brixham Archers’ NFAS Open 36x3Ds 08 Sept 2019

We had 60 entrants for this shoot, but unfortunately, we had a number of cancellations due to injuries and illness: get well soon! So on a lovely September’s morning, 54 archers took to our newly laid course.

They were greeted with the smell of good quality sausages/bacon/eggs and coffee/tea and vegetarian options, we were blessed with good shooting weather and the shoot got underway. The club has been working hard digging in routes and steps, so although our course is “undulating” (!) all archers of all ages were able to traverse the course and enjoy the shots…….I say, ‘enjoy the shots’……..; we created a technically tricky and testing course to hopefully test all archers’ skill, (our course has been completed by a 9-year-old with a bow drawing less than 12#s), so it’s not about long stretched shots but more about finding the window, adjusting your stance, avoiding the trees and going for it!
